I received really good demos from a lot of people, the choices where really hard to make, but finally here are the results
Riley: Hnilmik
Angreh Fancy Panda: StomachBug
GrumpyProfessor: Rice Pirate
Little Sin: Jazza
Jurnk: Shishiza
Monkey Business: SirKillington
NG Elite: SirUndead
Throbulator: mrbipolar
Undead Andy: RedHarvest
Wireless Moonwalker: biggiek7888
Whats next?
Well, the script isnt written yet. We are trying to make something really fun and also a interesting story. When we have the Final Script, we are going to contact each voice actor to send him/her the Dialogues. And then we are going to animate this project (I Dont have release date yet, Im working on other 2 projects)
Thanks to everyone who participated on this (Each one that participated in the Texturing and the Voice Acting will appear in the Special Thanks of the NGFIGURE credits)
I'm honored to be a part of the project. There were so many great entries. So many. It would have been impossible to include all the awesome talent unless you were wiling to double the number of characters.
Congrats to all who entered. Thanks again, Osuka. I look forward to talking like an old crusty asshat ... more so than I already do.
to much talent and funny demos.. I feel sad for picking only 10. Was a bit Painfull hahahaha